


Profesorius Christian Byrge 


Dėstomi kursai

Innovation Strategy

Creativity & Communication

Member of MBA committee

Moksliniai interesai

Business Creativity

Organisational Creativity

Creative Processes

Creative Skills

Creative Tools


images Orcid ID 49408 Linkedln





2021, “A Corporate Fitness Centre for Innovative Capabilities: New Insights on how Creativity Training can Develop Creative Competencies, Creative Confidence and a Creative Team Culture” in Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 8.
2020, “Testing the Effects of Digital Gamified Creativity Training” with Hänninen, L. I., Gomez, P. N., Tang, C., Brøndum, K., Dingli, S. And Xerxen, S. P. in Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 6,
2020, ”How to teach creativity” published by Business Research and Business Design, 110 pages.
2019 , “Development of new business models: introducing the cultural elasticity model” with Drejer, A., Lynggard, D. B. and Lassen, H. M. in Journal of Business Models, 2 citations, 8 pages.
2019, ”New Perspectives for the role of creativity in education” with Gómez, P. N. in Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 5 pages.
2019, ”Online gamified training for business innovation: examining an embodied gamified e-learning module on creativity” with Brøndum, K., Hänninen, L. I., Gómez, P. N., Tang, C., Dingli, S. and Xerzen, S. P. in Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 14 pages.
2019, ”Kreativitetstræning – et værktøj til idegenerering” with Hansen, S. and Holst, M. published by Confederation of Danish Industry, 22 pages, 24 downloads.
2019, “Gamified creativity training system: Idea creativity board game, Sketch creativity board game and blend creativity board game” published in English by VIKO Press, published in Danish by Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship and published in Spanish by Cátedra (Complutense University Madrid), 3 games, estimated 450 downloads.
2018, “Business model creativity: a horizontal insight model” with Kristiansen, K. B., Hansen, S. in Journal of Business Models, 1 citation, 5 pages
2018, “Creativity perspective on entrepreneurship” with Tang, C. and Zhou, J. chapter in The Palgrave Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Entrepreneurship (ed. Turcan, R. V. and Fraser, N. M.) published by Palgrave Macmillan, 3 citations, 22 pages.
2018, “Depicting a performative research agenda: the 4th stage of business model research” with Nielsen, C., Lund, M., Thomsen, P. P., Brøndum, K., Sort, J. C., Roslander, R., Schaper, S., Montemari, M., Delmar, A. C. P., Simoni, L., Paolone, F., Massaro, M. and Dumay, J. in Journal of Business Models, 6 citations, 6 pages.
2018, “Learning perspectives on digital embodied creativity trianing” with Dingli, S., Xerxen, S. P., Brøndum, K. Gómez, P. N., Hänninen, L. I. and Tang, C. in Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 13 pages.
2017, “From creativity to new venture creation: a conceptual model for training for original and useful business modelling” with Lund, M. and Nielsen, C. in Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 9 citations, 23 pages.
2017, “Academy for creativity: online gamified creativity training platform for higher educational institutions” with Brøndum, K., Hänninen, L. I., Gómez, P. N., Tang, C., Dingli, S. and Xerzen, S. P. published by Aalborg University Commercialisation Unit, 11 games, 100.000+ users.
2017, “Idetræning (200 days creativity training system)” published by Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship, 204 pages, estimated 2300 downloads.
2016, “Embodied creativity training practice in east and west countries: a potential approach of gifted and special education” with Tang, C., Hu, W. and Wang, C. in Journal of Special & Gifted Education, 6 pages.
2016, “Ethnic heterogeneous teams outperform homogeneous teams on well-defined but not ill-defined creative task” with Tang, C. in Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 6 citations, 11 pages.
2016, “From creativity to new venture creation: exploring the potentials of training creativity and business-opportunity spotting” with Nielsen, C. and Lund, M. in Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference Proceeding, 11 pages.
2015, “Embodied creativity training: effects on creative self-efficacy and creative production” with Tang, C. in Thinking Skills and Creativity, 74 citations, 11 pages.
2015, “The creative platform: a handbook in creative processes for education and worklife” with Hansen, S. published by Frydenlund Academic, 6 citations, 105 pages.
2014, “Enhancing creativity for individuals, groups and organizations: creativity as the unlimited application of knowledge” with Hansen, S. published by Frydenlund Academic, 18 citations, 182 pages.
2014, “Creativity and business innovations: guidance on teaching creativity and business innovations, descriptions of study programme & case studies” with Hertel, F., Faaborg, O., Sørensen, S. K. Gaigalaite, L., Isoraite, M., Katunian, A., Kozlovskij, V., Macerauskiene, N., Miniotaite, J., Ozeliene, D., Paraukiene, L., Satkauskiene, S. C. and Tilvytiene, R. published by Vilniaus Kolegija – University of Applied Sciences, 428 pages, 5487 downloads, 2 citations.
2013, “Kreativitet som uhæmmet anvendelse af viden: teorien bag den kreative platform og træningsprogrammet for nytænkning” with Hansen, S. published by Frydenlund Academic, 3 citations, 180 pages.
2013, “Course in new thinking in higher education: enhancing creativity through the means of training, theory and workshop” with Hansen, S. in Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 16 citations, 15 pages.
2013, “Developing a creative and innovative organizational culture: experiences from continuous embodied creativity trianing” with Osmundsen, R. F. and Tang, C. in Globelics Research Series Cicalics Proceedings, 2 citations, 10 pages.
2012, “Intuition og træning af kreativitet” with Hansen, S. chapter in Intuition (ed. Raunsmed, E. and Zeller, J.) published by Aalborg University Press, 17 pages.
2011, “Conceptualisation of creativity practices through action research: the case of the creative platform at Aalborg University” PhD Thesis published by Doctoral School of Engineering, Science and Medicine at Aalborg University, 4 citations, 331 pages.
2011, “Den kreative platform: antologi – praksisanvendelse af den kreative platform i uddannelse, læring og undervisning” with Hansen, S. and contributors, published by Udvind Vækst, 82 pages, 5647 downloads.
2011, “Compilation of teaching materials for creative platform (videos and instruction cards)” with Hansen, S. published by Aalborg University, 142 videos and 580 instruction cards, 89991 downloads.
2010, “Kreativitet og nytænkning” with Lund, M. chapter in Innovationsantologi (ed. Damgaard, F.) published by Systime Academic, 17 pages.
2010, “Camp guide: Genvej til unikke ideer” with Ullersted, M., Bager, T., Blom, U. and Borg-Larsen, T. published by IDEA Denmark, 56 pages, 14218 downloads, 3 citations.
2010, “Den kreative platform I skolen: uhæmmet anvendelse af viden fra børnehaven til arbejdspladsen” with Hansen, S. published by Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship (Selvstændighedsfonden), 134 pages, 15287 downloads, 4 citations.
2009, “En ny agenda for entreprenørskabsforskningen: Dansk forskning I entreprenørielle muligheder” with Korsgaard, S., Thrane, C., Blenker, P., Christensen, P. R., Piihl, J., Neergaard, H. and Bjerregaard, T. in Ledelse og Erhvervsoekonomi, 2 citations, 14 pages.
2009, ”The creative platform: a didactic approach for unlimited application of knowledge in interdisciplinary and intercultural groups” with Hansen, S. in European Journal of Engineering Education, 27 citations, 15 pages.
2009, “The creative platform: a new paradigm for teaching creativity” with Hansen, S. in Problems in Education in the 21st Century, 16 citations, 17 pages.
2009, ”Den kreative platform spillet” with Jansen, S. published by Udviklingsforum Odense, 450 instruction cards, 31739 downloads.
2008, “WOFIE: fire dages workshop for 450 studerende i entreprenørskab” with Hansen, S. chapter in Entreprenørskab og Kompetencer: GEM-antologi (ed. Bager, T and Nielsen, S. L.) published by Børsen, 11 pages.
2008, “The creative platform: a didactic for sharing and using knowledge in interdisciplinary and intercultural groups” with Hansen, S. in SEFI 2008 Conference Proceedings, 10 citations, 9 pages.
2008, “Teaching creativity involves both cognitive and affective learning processes organized as 3D cases on the creative platform” with Hansen, S. in SEFI 2008 Conference Proceedings, 5 citations, 10 pages.


2017, Sino-Danish Center - EUR 200.000 for the AAU-UCAS Innovation Management Project focused on studying creativity and leadership.
2015, Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership - EUR 430.000 for the CREMO project focused on experimenting and studying gamified online creativity training system for higher education.
2012 - 2013, Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship (SEA) - EUR 40.000 (two projects) for the development of a new higher educational program focused on creativity and entrepreneurship.
2012, Consortium of 14 companies in Denmark - EUR 340.000 for the C-NURTURE project focused on experimenting and studying the development of organizational creative competencies through deliberate creativity training.
2010, IDEA-Denmark - EUR 90.000 for the Commercialization Camp initiative focused on experimenting and studying the process of developing innovative business models for unused patents.
2009, SEA - EUR 50.000 for Entrepreneurship and Creativity Initiative focused on experimenting and studying the approach for teaching creativity and entrepreneurship in Northern Denmark.
2007, ILOSI - EUR 80.000 for Research on Applied Creativity Methods focused on studying the case of The Creative Platform.
2006 -2007, IDEA-North - EUR 120.000 for Solutions Camp (two events) focused on experimenting and studying the process of developing innovative solutions for complex problems in selected Danish companies.
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